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Many thanks to the 55 Somerset Estates homeowners who attended or were represented by proxy at the March 20, 2018 Homeowner meeting. This attendance constituted 62% of all Somerset Estates homeowners.
More comprehensive minutes will be posted soon. In the meantime, we are pleased to report a majority of the homeowners voted to establish the size of the initial executive board as FIVE members.
A total of ten homeowners then ran for the five positions. The five nominees with the most votes were elected to serve on the board. You may download the complete results by clicking the "Vote Results" document below.
The newly elected board met immediately following the homeowner meeting and elected officers. The new board members are:
Marc Arnold/President
Anthony Chirikos/Vice President
Paula Hemenway/Treasurer
Susan Reilly/Secretary
Kip Sharp/At Large
MARCH 20, 2018
As a result of a May 2017 court decision, 89 homeowners in Somerset Estates found they live in a ‘separate and distinct legal entity’. To move forward, the judgment required Somerset Estates to establish its own HOA Executive Board, elect officers, incorporate and many other steps to create an entity empowered to represent and do business on behalf of Somerset Estates homeowners.
A group of volunteer Somerset Estates homeowners (Marc Arnold, Anthony Chirikos, Paula Hemenway, Susan Reilly, Barbara Stager) were joined by 19 other Somerset Estates homeowners in issuing a written notice of meeting (Attachment A: Meeting Notice) which provided 14 days of advance notice. The 24 signatories to the call for meeting constituted 26.9% of all 89 Somerset Estates homeowners.
Notice of the meeting was further distributed by two physical signs posted at the entrances of Somerset Estates (Attachment B: Sign).
The meeting was held March 20, 2018 at Niwot High School. Barbara Stager met Somerset Estates homeowners arriving at the meeting and gave out 55 ballots upon signing in. One ballot was given to each household signing in person and one for each signed proxy (Attachments C1: Sign-in Sheets).
A presentation was given by the volunteer homeowners to convey their understanding of events leading to the meeting and the need for an election (posted as “March 20, 2018 Presentation” to
The volunteer homeowners withdrew and Maryann Ruck, a Somerset Estates homeowner, took over running the election process. She led the assembled group in a discussion regarding the number of seats that should be elected to the executive board. Most opinions expressed advocated five or seven seats. Maryann called for a voice count and the decision was made by acclamation to establish an executive board of five.
The initial notice letter invited all Somerset Estates homeowners to volunteer to serve on the board. One homeowner, Dave Edwards volunteered early enough to be added to the pre-printed ballot. Herb McPherson volunteered after the ballots were printed and he was encouraged to run as a floor nomination. Seven candidates were pre-printed on the ballots: Marc Arnold, Anthony Chirikos, Dave Edwards, Paula Hemenway, Susan Reilly, Kip Sharp and Barbara Stager. After the decision was made to limit the number of seats to five, Dave Edwards withdrew his name. Herb McPherson and Delaine Orendorf volunteered to run. And Herb McPherson had the authorization from Kiran Chopra to nominate him for the board. People were instructed to write-in McPherson, Orendorf and Chopra. The homeowners were instructed to mark up to five candidates. Fifty-five ballots were cast. With the exception of one anomaly (see Attachment D: Voting Anomaly), the voting process was uneventful.
Maryann Ruck counted the ballots and entered the specific votes into a spreadsheet, which calculated the results. She was assisted by Norma Fjeldstad. Most homeowners left. Preliminary results were announced, electing five homeowners to serve on the board. The count was reviewed and a final report, with minor differences, was delivered to the board by email the following morning (see Attachment E: Final Vote Tally).
The entire spreadsheet is attached (see Attachment F: Vote Tally Spreadsheet). Note that Ballot Number 1 was turned in blank. Note also that Ballot Numbers 21 through 25 were invalidated because the ballots indicated six choices for the five positions. Had these six additional ballots been valid and counted, the total turnout would have been 61 homeowners, a total turnout of 68.5%.
Scans of the actual ballots are attached (See Attachments G1 through G3, Ballot Scans).
Maryann Ruck and Norma Fjeldstad signed a statement attesting to the validity of the vote (see Attachment H: Certification).